


Confirmation is a three year program for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  The first year is a ‘Pre-Confirmation’ aimed to establish a faith foundation before accepting the full commitment of Confirmation. The formal commitment of Confirmation takes place in 7th & 8th grade. Confirmation prepares individuals to willingly be received as members.

Highlights of the Confirmation Program include:

Sunday classes led by Chris Landerud, Pastor Tim, and Pastor Kelli

Wednesday events that include hands-on classes, projects, and games

Advent & Lenten Wednesday worship sermon participation and worship assistants (ushers, communion assistants, AV operators, and lectors)

Winter Break & Summer Break ‘Faith Talks’ with confirmation studentsMovies in the sanctuary

Shared Table Hosts & Triangle Ministry Meal Hosts

Annual Downhill Ski & Tubing Trip

Crossways Pine Lake Summer Confirmation Camp (Waupaca, WI)

Pine Lake 2022

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