

Please remember in your thoughts & prayers...

Adams family
Bethany Austin
*Cheryl Bartels
      (sister of Brenda Moen)
Tanya Brak
      (Daughter of Russell & Sheila Wolff)
*Scott Breivik
*Brent & Mndy
      (Friends of Dee Weikert)
*Sandy Brunker
      (Kathy Westby’s and Eileen Richter’s
*Steve Brunker
      (Kathy Westby & Eileen Richter’s brother)
*Dale Burke
      (Friend of Harlan & Deb Hettrick)
*James Burton
      (brother of Cathy Kirby)
Amber Catterall
Judy Catterall
*Andrea Denman
      (Friend of Lisa Deegan)
*Kathryn, Tom, and Kamiah Fields
      (Friends of Kathy Westby)
* Jill Fortune
      (Friend of Nancy Vick)
*Renee Gray
*Cindy Halverson 
      (niece of Wayne and Gayle Huston)
*Carol Hanna
*Carson Hartwig
      (14 yr nephew of Russ & Sheila Wolff)
Sophie Heckel
      (Daughter of Mark & Susan Heckel)

*Tyson Heiman-Lambert
      (Great-grandson of Judie Heiman)
*Jeff Hitchcock
*Mackenzie Ingvalson
*Edwin Jacob
      (Aaron Jacob’s father)
Janis Janelsins
*Barb Klug
      (Co-worker of Jane Blank)
*Michelle Langmaid
      (Rick Strauss’s niece)
David Lund
*Chantel Rose Lynch
      (Granddaughter of Marla Grover)
Carter Moran
*Lisa Mulcahy
Lorie & Bruce Neumann
*Stacey Newton
      (Bonnie Hansen’s  niece)
Jesus Nunez
*Ruth Nyffenegger
      (Friend of Bonnie Dirks)
*Jordan O’Malley and parents, Shane and JoAnn
Linda Othrow
*Pastor Margo Peterson          
      (Bonnie Dirks’ daughter)
*Connie Peterson and children Corbet, Carissa and Paula
      (Diane Wells’ aunt and cousins)
*Kelson Peterson-Bystol
      (Grandson of Alan & Sharon Peterson;
       great-grandson of Sylvester Peterson)
*Harlow Harue Phillips
      (Great-niece of David & Sallie Waller)
*Ethan Powell
      (Grandson of Ernie Thieding)

Chris Preston   
Eileen Richter
*Albert Sandoval
      (Deb Hettrick’s brother’s father-in-law)
Monica Schaller
*Mary Seiler
      (Friend of Randy Hansen)
*Gladys Severtson
      (Aunt of Marla Grover)
*Rick Shoby
      (Bonnie Hansen’s Brother-in-law)
Bonnie Spangler
*Curt Steindorf
      (Family of Lisa Paley)
*Jeff Swenson
      (brother-in-law of Diane Egner)
*Randi Thorson
      (Friend of Mary Grell)
*Carol Torgeson
      (Friend of Diane Voiss)
*Mike Tuck
      (Friend of Kevin Strattan)
Nancy Vick
Mark Vollmer
      (Brother of Vicky Beyler)
Ron Walsvick
Judy Walther & Family
Jordan Wend
*Marcia Wiberg
      (Friend of Kim Henes)
Kim Wisden
*Chad Wood
Linda Swenson 
Rich Swenson &
   Meghan Lindy
Andy, Gaylene & Kirk
^Arnold Vollmer

^* New

Prayer questions?

If you see names on this page that should be removed, or to list someone on the care page, contact Carrie Kruzan